Best representation of a genie so far, we need to remove the houses in the background. If the Genie itself could be rotated a little to face the text that too would be great. So that the genie is looking to his left a little instead of looking straight at me. (y)
Rehaan, Your designs nos. #19 and #20 are headed in the right direction, I am on not so keen on the fonts that you have used. #20 is too much like a Coke Can CocaCola style font, and #19 I'm not keen on the fish tails in the fonts. I am 50-50 on the Genie image itself, I like them both. Perhaps you could try some other font styles for the text. Thanks.
We are getting closer to my thinking - please remember the colours are of the Colombian flag Yellow at the top, then blue in the middle and red at the bottom.
Rehaan - I did request the logo be "NOT cartoon like" I'm looking for a subtle swooshy stroke style effect see the image with multiple sporting style images. I'm after something like that but Genie like. Also the colors are of the Colombian Flag which are:
Yellow Pantone 116 - RGB (hex) 252-209-22 (#FCD116) - CMYK C0-M17.1-Y91.3-K0
Blue Pantone 287 - RGB (hex) 0-56-147 (#003893) - CMYK C100-M61.9-Y0-K42.4
Red Pantone 186 - RGB (hex) 206-17-38 (#CE1126) – CMYK C0-M91.7-Y81.6-K19.2